How do we return our families to what they were always meant to be- a home where we belonged?

About The Homecoming Project

The Homecoming project’s aim is to bring our families to home by supporting those who see themselves as transition persons in their families, to initiate dialogue and effect and sustain change in our families.

We believe that it is possible to re-imagine our families based on authenticity, belonging, choice, dialogue and shared decision-making.

Key Objectives of the project

Who is a transition person?

<aside> 💡 A transition person is someone who challenges the negative, unhealthy, archaic patterns to make way for the positive, healthy and relevant patterns in their lives and the family. Through this, they are able to transition into a newer way of thinking and being and influence the same for their families. (Share credit: Stephen Covey)


What do we do?

At The Homecoming Project, we seek to create a culture of trust, compassion, and mutual support within families, helping individuals to feel seen, heard, and valued. Our workshops and support groups offer a safe space for exploring family dynamics, improving communication skills, and learning strategies for creating lasting change. Join us on this journey towards healthier, happier families and communities.

Currently, we have two primary offerings to get us and you started on this journey!

<aside> 💭 Join our 3-month long cohort-based online journey, Reimagining Family: Redefine the blueprint for loving relationships in our families starting 8th March 2025 (To be Confirmed)


Why the Homecoming Project? (Click on the drop down to read more about the rationale behind the initiative)


Get Involved

Reimagining Family

Staying in Connection: Reimagining Conversations with Loved Ones

Family Conversations 101